multi-omics data integration: a case study with transcriptomics and genomics mutation data

Multi-omics data analysis is a cutting-edge approach in biology that involves studying and integrating information from multiple biological “omics” sources. These omics sources include genomics (genes and their variations), transcriptomics (gene expression and RNA data), proteomics (proteins and their interactions), metabolomics (small molecules and metabolites), epigenomics (epigenetic modifications), and more. By analyzing data from various omics levels together, we can gain a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of biological systems and their complexities.

The idea behind multi-omics analysis is that biological systems are incredibly intricate, with different levels of molecules interacting and influencing each other. Traditional single-omics approaches provide valuable insights into specific aspects of these systems, but they often miss out on the bigger picture. Multi-omics analysis, on the other hand, enables scientists to uncover connections and relationships that might not be apparent when looking at individual omics data in isolation.

In this blog post, I am going to show you how to integrate transcriptomics (RNA-seq) data and the genomics (DNA-seq) data using cancer cell line data from Depmap.

Download data

Download the gene expression and the gene mutation data from

Make sure you check the box “Add cell line metadata to download”.

In this post, let’s try to predict cancer type from the CCLE cell lines by integrating both gene expression data and the mutation data.

ls -1 *csv

Read in to R

read in the expression data:

expression<- read_csv("~/blog_data/Expression_Public_23Q2.csv")

colnames(expression) %>% head(n = 15)
#>  [1] "depmap_id"              "cell_line_display_name" "lineage_1"             
#>  [4] "lineage_2"              "lineage_3"              "lineage_5"             
#>  [7] "lineage_6"              "lineage_4"              "TSPAN6"                
#> [10] "TNMD"                   "DPM1"                   "SCYL3"                 
#> [13] "C1orf112"               "FGR"                    "CFH"
colnames(expression) %>% tail()
#> [1] "C8orf44-SGK3" "ELOA3B"       "NPBWR1"       "ELOA3D"       "ELOA3"       
#> [6] "CDR1"
#> [1]  1450 19152

read in the mutation data

mutation<- read_csv("~/blog_data/Damaging_Mutations.csv")

#> # A tibble: 6 × 16,971
#>   depmap_id  cell_line_displa… lineage_1 lineage_2 lineage_3 lineage_5 lineage_6
#>   <chr>      <chr>             <chr>     <chr>     <chr>     <chr>     <chr>    
#> 1 ACH-001270 127399            Soft Tis… Synovial… Synovial… <NA>      <NA>     
#> 2 ACH-002680 170MGBA           CNS/Brain Diffuse … Glioblas… Glioblas… <NA>     
#> 3 ACH-002089 201T              Lung      Non-Smal… Lung Ade… NSCLC Ad… <NA>     
#> 4 ACH-002399 21NT              Breast    Invasive… Breast I… <NA>      <NA>     
#> 5 ACH-001002 451LU             Skin      Melanoma  Cutaneou… <NA>      <NA>     
#> 6 ACH-000520 59M               Ovary/Fa… Ovarian … High-Gra… High Gra… <NA>     
#> # … with 16,964 more variables: lineage_4 <lgl>, A1BG <dbl>, A1CF <dbl>,
#> #   A2M <dbl>, A2ML1 <dbl>, A3GALT2 <dbl>, A4GALT <dbl>, A4GNT <dbl>,
#> #   AAAS <dbl>, AACS <dbl>, AADAC <dbl>, AADACL2 <dbl>, AADACL3 <dbl>,
#> #   AADACL4 <dbl>, AADAT <dbl>, AAGAB <dbl>, AAK1 <dbl>, AAMDC <dbl>,
#> #   AAMP <dbl>, AAR2 <dbl>, AARS1 <dbl>, AARS2 <dbl>, AASDH <dbl>,
#> #   AASDHPPT <dbl>, AASS <dbl>, AATF <dbl>, AATK <dbl>, ABAT <dbl>,
#> #   ABCA1 <dbl>, ABCA10 <dbl>, ABCA12 <dbl>, ABCA13 <dbl>, ABCA2 <dbl>, …

#> [1]  1738 16971

Not all cell lines have both mutation and expression data

setdiff(expression$depmap_id, mutation$depmap_id)
#>  [1] "ACH-002981" "ACH-000742" "ACH-002475" "ACH-000578" "ACH-000731"
#>  [6] "ACH-000690" "ACH-000575" "ACH-000049" "ACH-000642" "ACH-000299"
#> [11] "ACH-000088" "ACH-000539" "ACH-000413" "ACH-000229" "ACH-001712"
#> [16] "ACH-000194" "ACH-000629" "ACH-000216" "ACH-001109" "ACH-000282"
#> [21] "ACH-000033" "ACH-000904" "ACH-000710" "ACH-001142" "ACH-000116"
#> [26] "ACH-000854" "ACH-000494" "ACH-000057" "ACH-000034" "ACH-000170"
#> [31] "ACH-001743" "ACH-000064" "ACH-000016" "ACH-000300" "ACH-000600"
#> [36] "ACH-001207" "ACH-000314" "ACH-000084" "ACH-000580" "ACH-000923"
#> [41] "ACH-000737" "ACH-000306" "ACH-000850" "ACH-000071" "ACH-000185"
#> [46] "ACH-000230" "ACH-000526" "ACH-000931" "ACH-000014" "ACH-000003"
#> [51] "ACH-000333"
setdiff(mutation$depmap_id, expression$depmap_id) %>%
#> [1] "ACH-002089" "ACH-002399" "ACH-001002" "ACH-002389" "ACH-002209"
#> [6] "ACH-002210"
common_cell_lines<- intersect(mutation$depmap_id, expression$depmap_id)

#> [1] 1399
expression_sub<- expression %>%
  filter(depmap_id %in% common_cell_lines)

mutation_sub<- mutation %>%
  filter(depmap_id %in% common_cell_lines)

#> [1]  1399 19152
#> [1]  1399 16971

There are total 1399 cell lines with both mutation and expression data.

There are different levels of lineages annotations

table(mutation_sub$lineage_1, useNA = "always")
#>             Adrenal Gland          Ampulla of Vater             Biliary Tract 
#>                         1                         4                        38 
#>     Bladder/Urinary Tract                      Bone                     Bowel 
#>                        37                        39                        74 
#>                    Breast                    Cervix                 CNS/Brain 
#>                        67                        20                        95 
#>         Esophagus/Stomach                       Eye                Fibroblast 
#>                        82                        18                        25 
#>             Head and Neck                    Kidney                     Liver 
#>                        60                        38                        26 
#>                      Lung                  Lymphoid                   Myeloid 
#>                       181                       154                        58 
#>      Ovary/Fallopian Tube                  Pancreas Peripheral Nervous System 
#>                        63                        58                        39 
#>                    Pleura                  Prostate                      Skin 
#>                        21                        11                        86 
#>               Soft Tissue                    Testis                   Thyroid 
#>                        43                         3                        16 
#>                    Uterus              Vulva/Vagina                      <NA> 
#>                        40                         2                         0
# deeper lineages, but some NAs
table(mutation_sub$lineage_5, useNA = "always")
#>                         Acral                       Adrenal 
#>                             4                             1 
#>                      Alveolar                    Amelanotic 
#>                             6                             3 
#>                    Anaplastic                   Astrocytoma 
#>                             3                            14 
#>                        B-cell                B-cell Burkitt 
#>                            40                            13 
#>            B-cell Mantle Cell                      Basaloid 
#>                             6                             1 
#>              Bladder Squamous     Bladder Transitional Cell 
#>                             2                            24 
#>                  Blast Crisis                 Buccal Mucosa 
#>                            12                             3 
#>                    Clear Cell                         DDLPS 
#>                            20                             3 
#>               Diffuse Gastric                         DLBCL 
#>                             6                            20 
#>                     Embryonal                  Endocervical 
#>                             5                             2 
#>                  Endometrioid        Epithelial-Endometroid 
#>                             6                             1 
#>                 ERneg HER2neg                 ERneg HER2pos 
#>                            33                             9 
#>                 ERpos HER2neg                 ERpos HER2pos 
#>                            12                             8 
#>       Exocrine Adenocarcinoma        Exocrine Adenosquamous 
#>                            54                             2 
#>                  Extrahepatic                    Follicular 
#>                            10                             4 
#>                    Giant Cell                      Gingival 
#>                             1                             1 
#>                  Glioblastoma           HBs Antigen Carrier 
#>                            48                             1 
#>             High Grade Serous                Hypopharyngeal 
#>                            21                             1 
#>                  Intrahepatic               Keratoacanthoma 
#>                            25                             1 
#>                     Laryngeal              Low Grade Serous 
#>                             5                             1 
#>                            M2                            M3 
#>                             3                             3 
#>                            M4                            M5 
#>                             3                             8 
#>                            M6                            M7 
#>                             4                             2 
#>                   Med Group 3 Mixed Endometrioid Clear Cell 
#>                             4                             1 
#>       Mixed Serous Clear Cell                      Mucinous 
#>                             1                             6 
#>                       Mucosal          NSCLC Adenocarcinoma 
#>                             1                            71 
#>           NSCLC Adenosquamous              NSCLC Large Cell 
#>                             4                            16 
#>          NSCLC Mucoepidermoid                NSCLC Squamous 
#>                             1                            25 
#>             Oligodendroglioma                          Oral 
#>                             3                            17 
#>                     Papillary                Papillotubular 
#>                             3                             1 
#>                       Pharynx                  Plasmacytoma 
#>                             1                             4 
#>     Renal Medullary Carcinoma                Salivary Gland 
#>                             1                             1 
#>                        Serous              Signet Ring Cell 
#>                             5                             2 
#>                         Sinus               Somatostatinoma 
#>                             1                             1 
#>              Splenic Lymphoma                        T-cell 
#>                             1                            26 
#>                   T-cell ALCL              T-cell Cutaneous 
#>                             6                             3 
#>                    Testicular                        Tongue 
#>                             1                             5 
#>             Transitional Cell                       Tubular 
#>                             1                             5 
#>                         Uveal                      WD/DDPLS 
#>                             1                             1 
#>                         WDLPS                          <NA> 
#>                             3                           721

let’s focus on level 1. To make the analysis more robust, let’s pick some cancer types with at least 20 cell lines

lineages<- c("Bone", "Bowel", "Breast", "Cervix", "Head and Neck", "CNS/Brain")
expression_sub<- expression_sub %>%
  filter(lineage_1 %in% lineages)

mutation_sub<- mutation_sub %>%
  filter(lineage_1 %in% lineages)

#> [1]   355 19152
#> [1]   355 16971

Clustering by gene expression only

cancer_types<- factor(expression_sub$lineage_1)
expression_sub<- expression_sub %>%

expression_sub[1:6, 1:6]
#>              TSPAN6      TNMD     DPM1    SCYL3 C1orf112        FGR
#> ACH-002680 4.155425 0.1243281 6.681730 2.430285 2.799087 0.81557543
#> ACH-000283 3.618239 0.0000000 7.209941 1.922198 3.918386 0.00000000
#> ACH-001016 2.456806 0.0000000 7.383877 2.776104 3.578939 0.00000000
#> ACH-000160 2.835924 0.0000000 6.361944 1.550901 3.257011 0.00000000
#> ACH-001020 4.846995 0.0000000 6.911212 2.114367 4.040016 0.00000000
#> ACH-000818 3.531069 0.0000000 6.585864 3.726831 3.237258 0.07038933

expression_mat<- as.matrix(expression_sub)

# transpose it to gene by sample
expression_mat<- t(expression_mat)
#> [1] 19144   355
## filter only the most variable genes

top_genes<- genefilter::rowVars(expression_mat) %>% 
  sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%
  names() %>%

expression_mat_sub<- expression_mat[top_genes, ]

cols<- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 6, name = "Set1")
#> [1] CNS/Brain     Breast        Bowel         Bone          Cervix       
#> [6] Head and Neck
#> Levels: Bone Bowel Breast Cervix CNS/Brain Head and Neck
ha<- HeatmapAnnotation(cancer_type = factor(cancer_types),
                       col=list(cancer_type = setNames(cols, unique(cancer_types) %>% sort())))

Heatmap(t(scale(t(expression_mat_sub))), top_annotation = ha,
         show_row_names = FALSE, show_column_names = FALSE,
         show_row_dend = FALSE,
        name = "scaled\nexpression",
        column_dend_reorder = TRUE)

Principal component analysis (PCA)

pca<- prcomp(t(expression_mat_sub),center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE) 

# check the order of the samples are the same.
all.equal(rownames(pca$x), colnames(expression_mat_sub))
#> [1] TRUE
PC1_and_PC2<- data.frame(PC1=pca$x[,1], PC2= pca$x[,2], type = cancer_types)

## plot PCA plot
ggplot(PC1_and_PC2, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2)) + 
        geom_point(aes(color = type)) +
        scale_color_manual(values = cols) +
        theme_bw(base_size = 14)

You can see gene expression data only do a pretty good job separating the cancer types for most of the cell lines although we do see some mis-classified cell lines.

Since different cancer types have different mutation profiles, let’s see if we can add the mutation information and better stratify the cancer cell lines.

clustering the mutation data

mutation_sub<- mutation_sub %>%

mutation_sub[1:5, 1:5]
#>            A1BG A1CF A2M A2ML1 A3GALT2
#> ACH-002680    0    0   0     0       0
#> ACH-000283    0    0   0     0       0
#> ACH-001016    0    0   0     0       0
#> ACH-000160    0    0   0     0       0
#> ACH-001020    0    0   0     0       0
mutation_mat<- as.matrix(mutation_sub)

# transpose it to gene by sample
mutation_mat<- t(mutation_mat)
#> [1] 16963   355
## order the columns the same as the expression

mutation_mat<- mutation_mat[, colnames(expression_mat)]

top_genes2<- genefilter::rowVars(mutation_mat) %>% 
  sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%
  names() %>%

# binarize the matrix

mutation_mat[mutation_mat >0]<- 1

colors = structure(c("blue", "red"), names = c(0, 1))

mutation_mat_sub<- mutation_mat[rowSums(mutation_mat) > 15 ,]
Heatmap(mutation_mat_sub, top_annotation = ha,
        col = colors,
        show_row_names = TRUE, show_column_names = FALSE,
        show_row_dend = FALSE,
        name = "mutation",
        row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 5),
        column_dend_reorder = TRUE)

Mutation is not as good to separate cancer types.

We can use Rand index or adjusted rand index to measure how well the clustering matches the ground truth using only the expression data. See this blog post by Dave Tang.

kmeans1<- kmeans(t(expression_mat_sub), centers = 6)
kmeans1$cluster %>%
#> ACH-002680 ACH-000283 ACH-001016 ACH-000160 ACH-001020 ACH-000818 
#>          2          1          1          4          4          5
fossil::rand.index(as.numeric(cancer_types), kmeans1$cluster)
#> [1] 0.8142437
fossil::adj.rand.index(as.numeric(cancer_types), kmeans1$cluster)
#> [1] 0.3787002

Alternatively, we can use sigclust2 to determine the best clustering using hierarchical clustering which was used in the heatmap and then calculate the rand index.

Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA)

For any data matrix, it can be (approximately) decomposed into two matrices. Read this review Enter the Matrix: Factorization Uncovers Knowledge from Omics and my previous blog post.

For multiple matrices, there are three strategies for the integration as shown below:

  • For early integration, you can simply concatenate the matrices together (Note, in this figure, the rows are samples, columns are features, you use cbind to concatenate the matrices. In the code below, the columns are samples, so I used rbind to concatenate and then t to transpose it to sample x features). However, different omics data may have very different range of values, you may want to normalize the features within each omic dataset first (e.g., a z-score) and then concatenate.

  • The middle integration, we can use methods such as Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA), joint NMF, or even deep-learning (e.g., autoEncoder) to get a lower dimension embedding of the samples and use that as input for any downstream analysis.

  • The later integration is the most simple and straightforward method. We analyze each omic data independently and then integrate at a higher level. (e.g, if the up-regulated pathways are common from proteomics data and the transcriptomics data)

Let’s try Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA). MFA is a statistical technique that takes root in PCA (or MCA if dealing with qualitative data).

Formally, we have:

\[X = \begin{bmatrix} X_{1} \\ X_{2} \\ \vdots \\ X_{L} \end{bmatrix} = WH\]

a joint decomposition of the different data matrices \(X_i\) into the factor matrix
W and the latent variable matrix H. This way, we can leverage the ability of PCA to find the highest variance decomposition of the data, when the data consists of different omics types.

But because measurements from different experiments have different scales, they will also have variance (and co-variance) at different scales.

Multiple Factor Analysis addresses this issue and achieves balance among the data types by normalizing each of the data types, before stacking them and passing them on to PCA. Formally, MFA is given by

\[X_n = \begin{bmatrix} X_{1} / \lambda^{(1)}_1 \\ X_{2} / \lambda^{(2)}_1 \\ \vdots \\ X_{L} / \lambda^{(L)}_1 \end{bmatrix} = WH\]

where \(\lambda^{(i)}_1\)is the first eigenvalue of the principal component decomposition of \(X_i\)

Following this normalization step, we apply PCA to \(X_n\). From there on, MFA analysis is the same as PCA analysis.

all.equal(colnames(expression_mat_sub), colnames(mutation_mat_sub))
#> [1] TRUE
# run the MFA function from the FactoMineR package
r.mfa <- FactoMineR::MFA(
  t(rbind(expression_mat_sub, mutation_mat_sub)), 
  # binding the omics types together, the colnames are the same 
  c(dim(expression_mat_sub)[1], dim(mutation_mat_sub)[1]), 
  ncp = 30,
  # specifying the dimensions of each
#> 0.583 sec elapsed
mfa.h <- r.mfa$global.pca$ind$coord
mfa.w <- r.mfa$quanti.var$coord

# create a dataframe with the H matrix and the cancer type label
mfa_df <-
mfa_df$subtype <- factor(cancer_types)

# create the plot
ggplot(mfa_df, ggplot2::aes(x=Dim.1, y=Dim.2, color=subtype)) +
  geom_point() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = cols) +
  ggplot2::ggtitle("Scatter plot of MFA") +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14)

ggplot(mfa_df, ggplot2::aes(x=Dim.2, y=Dim.3, color=subtype)) +
  geom_point() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = cols) +
  ggplot2::ggtitle("Scatter plot of MFA") +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14)

Heatmap(t(mfa.h)[1:30,], top_annotation = ha,
                  name="MFA multi-omics\nintegration",
        show_column_names = FALSE,
        show_row_dend = FALSE)

Each row is a different feature that we can use to do clustering or as a feature for a machine learning prediction (e.g., drug response).

Let’s quantify if the adjusted rand index improved or not.

kmeans2<- kmeans(mfa.h, centers = 6)

fossil::rand.index(as.numeric(cancer_types), kmeans2$cluster)
#> [1] 0.8212143
fossil::adj.rand.index(as.numeric(cancer_types), kmeans2$cluster)
#> [1] 0.423766

The rand index improved from 0.814 to 0.821 after we include the mutation data.

You can also use joint NMF to do the integration.


  • You can add more omics data such as copy-number variation, proteomics, metabolomics data etc just by concatenating more matrices.

  • However, Not necessary the more the better. Whether additional omic layer contribute to additional information to separate the samples is a question.

  • Related to above, the quality of the omics data matters. Garbage in Garbage out just like machine learning.

  • K-means can give different results based on the initiation. If you change the seed, you may get different clusters and so for the rand index too.

  • The above methods works for samples have every type of omic data. However, in real life, there could be some samples missing some types of data. MOFA+ seems to be able to deal with it. Other methods such as GLUE even works on the un-paired data.


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