
Six tips to build a strong Bioinformatics CV

To not miss a post like this, sign up for my newsletter to learn computational biology and bioinformatics. If you apply for a Bioinformatics position, hundreds of CVs get to sent to the hiring manager. How to stand out among all of them? Below are 6 tips from my hiring experience: Include a GitHub Link: Ensure your CV has a GitHub link with relevant content like Python or R packages, data analysis projects, or replicated figures from published papers.

R or Python for Bioinformatics?

To not miss a post like this, sign up for my newsletter to learn computational biology and bioinformatics. R or Python for Bioinformatics? Watch the video here: If you need to pick Python or R for bioinformatics, which one should you choose? This is a decades-old question from many beginners. This is my story. I started learning Unix Commands 12 years ago (See an example of how powerful Unix commands can be).

How to level up Real-life bioinformatics skill: from dealing with one sample to a lot of samples

To not miss a post like this, sign up for my newsletter to learn computational biology and bioinformatics. The other day, I saw this tweet: Machine learning and bioinformatics tutorials these days — Ramon Massoni Badosa (@rmassonix) May 15, 2024 Many of the bioinformatics tutorials are like that. I am not saying the tutorial is not good. For beginners, we need something basic first to understand it.

Common mistakes when analyzing single-cell RNAseq data

To not miss a post like this, sign up for my newsletter to learn computational biology and bioinformatics. I recently was interviewed by the SEQanswers forum on single-cell RNAseq analysis. In your opinion, what is the most challenging aspect of single-cell analysis? Every single-cell dataset is unique in terms of data quality and QC has to be carried out in a dataset specific manner. Cell annotation is still one of the most challenging steps.

How to separate a comma delimited string into multiple lines in R and python

To not miss a post like this, sign up for my newsletter to learn computational biology and bioinformatics. The problem df<- data.frame(id = c(1,2,3), value = c('x,y', 'z,w', 'a')) df #> id value #> 1 1 x,y #> 2 2 z,w #> 3 3 a we want to put x,y in the first row into two rows: 1, x 1, y and put z,w into two rows too. solution with R There is a neat function separate_rows that does exactly this in tidyr package:

Bioinformatics is not (just) statistics

I was asked this question very often: “Tommy, what’s the p-value cutoff should I use to determine the differentially expressed genes; what log2 Fold change cutoff should I use too?” For single-cell RNAseq quality control, what’s the cutoff for mitochondrial content? My answer is always: it depends. I was joking: determining a cutoff is 90% of the work a bioinformatician does. Why is that? Biology is more than just statistics.

Fine tune the best clustering resolution for scRNAseq data: trying out callback

Context and Problem In scRNA-seq, each cell is sequenced individually, allowing for the analysis of gene expression at the single-cell level. This provides a wealth of information about the cellular identities and states. However, the high dimensionality of the data (thousands of genes) and the technical noise in the data can lead to challenges in accurately clustering the cells. Over-clustering is one such challenge, where cells that are biologically similar are clustered into distinct clusters.

Downstream of bulk RNAseq: read in salmon output using tximport and then DESeq2

Join my newsletter to not miss a post like this In the last blog post, I showed you how to use salmon to get counts from fastq files downloaded from GEO. In this post, I am going to show you how to read in the .sf salmon quantification file into R; how to get the tx2gene.txt file and do DESeq2 for differential gene expression analysis. Let’s dive in! library(tximport) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) files<- list.

How to preprocess GEO bulk RNAseq data with salmon

Install fastq-dl To easily download fastq from GEO or ENA, use fastq-dl Assume you already have conda installed, do the following: conda config –add channels conda-forge conda config –add channels bioconda conda create -n fastq_download -c conda-forge -c bioconda fastq-dl conda activate fastq_download Tip: use mamba if conda is too slow for you. They are all big snakes!! We will use bulk RNAseq data from this GEO accession ID: https://www.

Do you really understand log2Fold change in single-cell RNAseq data?

In Single-cell RNAseq analysis, there is a step to find the marker genes for each cluster. The output from Seurat FindAllMarkers has a column called avg_log2FC. It is the gene expression log2 fold change between cluster x and all other clusters. How is that calculated? In this tweet thread by Lior Pachter, he said that there was a discrepancy for the logFC changes between Seurat and Scanpy: Actually, both Scanpy and Seurat calculate it wrong.