transpose single-cell cell x gene dataframe to gene x cell

Single cell matrix is often represented as gene x cell in R/Seurat, but it is represented as cell x gene in python/scanpy.

Let’s use a real example to show how to transpose between the two formats. The GEO accession page is at

Download the data

We can use command line to download the count matrix at ftp:

wget -O ~/blog_data/GSE154763_ESCA_normalized_expression.csv.gz

# decompress the file
gunzip GSE154763_ESCA_normalized_expression.csv.gz

# this GEO matrix is cell x gene
# take a look by
vd  GSE154763_ESCA_normalized_expression.csv

Note, most GEO data I downloaded before is gene x cell, this one is cell x gene.

The data is normalized by logNormalization. Let’s revert back to the raw counts using It uses binary search to find the total count to make the smallest non-zero count one. In other words, it assumes the smallest non-zero value is a count of 1.


chmod u+x

mamba install h5py numpy pandas

# by default, the script assumes the input is cell x gene. to specify gene x cell, turn
# on -t
./ -m 10000 -d CSV GSE154763_ESCA_normalized_expression.csv -o GSE154763_ESCA_counts.csv

vd GSE154763_ESCA_counts.csv

Now the smallest counts are 0s and some are 1s; fewer are > 1.

transpose the dataframe

Read into R:


mat_df<- read_csv("~/blog_data/GSE154763_ESCA_counts.csv")

mat_df[1:5, 1:5]
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#>   index              `RP11-34P13.7` FO538757.2 AP006222.2 `RP4-669L17.10`
#>   <chr>                       <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>           <dbl>
#> 1 AAACGGGAGATCCTGT-5              0          1          0               0
#> 2 AAACGGGTCGGCCGAT-5              0          1          0               0
#> 3 AAAGATGGTAATCGTC-5              0          1          0               0
#> 4 AAAGCAACAGCCAATT-5              0          0          0               0
#> 5 AAAGCAACATACTCTT-5              0          1          0               0
mat_transposed_df<- mat_df %>%
        tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -1, names_to = "genes") %>% 
        tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = index, values_from = value)

mat_transposed_df[1:5, 1:5]
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#>   <chr>                 <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
#> 1 RP11-34P1…                0                0                0                0
#> 2 FO538757.2                1                1                1                0
#> 3 AP006222.2                0                0                0                0
#> 4 RP4-669L1…                0                0                0                0
#> 5 RP11-206L…                0                0                0                0

Now, the dataframe is transposed to gene x cell.

One can also use t() to transpose, but it is used for matrix in R, you will have to make the dataframe to matrix first

cells<- mat_df$index
mat2<- as.matrix(mat_df[, -1])

rownames(mat2)<- cells

mat2_transpose<- t(mat2)

mat2[1:5, 1:5]
#>                    RP11-34P13.7 FO538757.2 AP006222.2 RP4-669L17.10
#> AAACGGGAGATCCTGT-5            0          1          0             0
#> AAACGGGTCGGCCGAT-5            0          1          0             0
#> AAAGATGGTAATCGTC-5            0          1          0             0
#> AAAGCAACAGCCAATT-5            0          0          0             0
#> AAAGCAACATACTCTT-5            0          1          0             0
#>                    RP11-206L10.9
#> AAACGGGAGATCCTGT-5             0
#> AAACGGGTCGGCCGAT-5             0
#> AAAGATGGTAATCGTC-5             0
#> AAAGCAACAGCCAATT-5             0
#> AAAGCAACATACTCTT-5             0

make a Seurat object:

genes<- mat_transposed_df$genes
mat<- mat_transposed_df[, -1] %>%

rownames(mat)<- genes

obj<- CreateSeuratObject(counts = mat)

You see most of the work happens before creating the Seurat object. Once you have a Seurat object, you can use scCustomize to make a lot of nice visualizations.


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