Six tips to build a strong Bioinformatics CV

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If you apply for a Bioinformatics position, hundreds of CVs get to sent to the hiring manager. How to stand out among all of them? Below are 6 tips from my hiring experience:

  1. Include a GitHub Link: Ensure your CV has a GitHub link with relevant content like Python or R packages, data analysis projects, or replicated figures from published papers. Regularly commit to demonstrate consistent coding activity. You will not get into the next round of interview if you do not have a github link.

  2. Organize and Document Projects: Structure your GitHub repositories with consistent folder structures (e.g., data, scripts, results) and comprehensive documentation for readability and future reference. I care about reproducibility and good documentation.

  3. Create a Personal Website: Build a personal website to showcase additional materials not typically included in a CV, such as talks, posters, and blog posts that demonstrate your computational skills and problem-solving capabilities.

  4. Blogging: Use the blog section of your website to write about problem-solving experiences, demonstrating your expertise in R or Python. This can be more impactful than just listing skills on your CV.

  5. Use Tools like ‘blogdown’: For those using R, the ‘blogdown’ package can help create a professional-looking website where R or Python code can be rendered into HTML.

  6. Start Early: Building a strong GitHub profile and personal website takes time. Begin these efforts as early as possible to gradually develop a robust and impressive online presence. As I awalys say: The best time to start was 10 years ago, the second best time is right now!

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