My caption 😄

2018 Next-Gen Sequence Analysis Workshop

NGS workshop
Davis, CA, United States

I taught the ChIP-seq lesson for 2018 ANGUS Next-Gen Sequence Analysis Workshop held in UC Davis from 7/1/2018 to 7/14/2018, and TAed for the rest of the sessions. You can find my class link here and all the rest materials here. This is the first formal teaching I have done after I became a certified instructor for Data Carpentry. The same teaching skills applied!

Some tips for teaching:

  • Be slow in pace
  • Pause and have students ask questions
  • Draw on white borad. (I am a visual person)
  • Use sticky notes to get an idea of how the class room feel. red sticker means problem. green sticker means OK!

See how many students we have!

Instructors and TAs group picture Embed your slides or video here using shortcodes. Further details can easily be added using Markdown and $\rm \LaTeX$ math code.
