
How to level up Real-life bioinformatics skill: from dealing with one sample to a lot of samples

To not miss a post like this, sign up for my newsletter to learn computational biology and bioinformatics. The other day, I saw this tweet: Machine learning and bioinformatics tutorials these days pic.twitter.com/0FhWWG09TB — Ramon Massoni Badosa (@rmassonix) May 15, 2024 Many of the bioinformatics tutorials are like that. I am not saying the tutorial is not good. For beginners, we need something basic first to understand it.

How to make a transcript to gene mapping file

I need a transcript to gene mapping file for Salmon. I am aware of annotation bioconductor packages that can do this job. However, I was working on a species which does not have the annotation in a package format (I am going to use Drosphila as an example for this blog post). I had to go and got the gtf file and made such a file from scratch. Please read the specifications of those two file formats.