
How to separate a comma delimited string into multiple lines in R and python

To not miss a post like this, sign up for my newsletter to learn computational biology and bioinformatics. The problem df<- data.frame(id = c(1,2,3), value = c('x,y', 'z,w', 'a')) df #> id value #> 1 1 x,y #> 2 2 z,w #> 3 3 a we want to put x,y in the first row into two rows: 1, x 1, y and put z,w into two rows too. solution with R There is a neat function separate_rows that does exactly this in tidyr package:

Snakemake pipeline post-processing scATAC-seq

A snakemake pipeline to split scATACseq bam by cluster, make bigwig tracks, call peaks and recount

How to make a transcript to gene mapping file

I need a transcript to gene mapping file for Salmon. I am aware of annotation bioconductor packages that can do this job. However, I was working on a species which does not have the annotation in a package format (I am going to use Drosphila as an example for this blog post). I had to go and got the gtf file and made such a file from scratch. Please read the specifications of those two file formats.