I am still suck at vim
or emacs
. I use nano
to edit files on remote machines. But for more complicated editing, I prefer to use sublime.
use this https://github.com/randy3k/RemoteSubl for editing remote files.
on remote machine, install rmate
ssh bio1
curl -o ~/bin/rmate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aurora/rmate/master/rmate
chmod u+x bin/rmate
on your local computer, install RemoteSubl
on your local computer, open sublime
, click tools
–> Command Palette
–> type Package control:Install Package –> type RemoteSubl
to install.
change your ssh config file
add RemoteForward 52698 localhost:52698
to your ~/.ssh/config
Now, ssh to remote, and you can do rmate my.txt
in your remote and open sublime in your local machine.